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"She knows what she's doing...
She has her reasons."

Birthday 2018
🎂🎈BIG LOVE! This birthday, my calling was to celebrate it with those who matters. I removed my birthday from Fb; since the yearly...

On turning 30.
🎂🎈BIG LOVE! This birthday, my calling was to celebrate it with those who matters. I removed my birthday from Fb; since the yearly...

Kor Sherman's Wedding
16 Sept 2018 • 22:05 We in a Grab, are on the way home from Kor Sherman's wedding. My one and only paternal cousin, son of my one and...

Warm meaty feeling
Came across this pix while clearing my photos, & got reminded of a warm fuzzy feeling I've wanted to record. Once, Tubby suggested a meal...

Chommmmmmmmmmmmp chomp chomp.... Sunday nuaday with the gossip-ers. Even with round 2 at the prata shop, we didn't have enough time to...

Making love out of nothing at all
Few nights ago, I accompanied an old friend in to JB. It reminded me of how precious these old friendships are; a reminder of how...

Pei Pei's fairy tale
She believed in true love & she found her happily ever after 👑 Thank you for your cheerful soul! For bringing us together this night....

Love language.
What is your Love Language? I've been thinking of this for some time, and I've finally done an online test. And confirmed my guess! ...

The monster under the bed.
"Don't remove the pillow! The monster will come out!!" "It's okay! You'll protect me." "My way of protecting you is to put the pillow...

I need to lose my tummy.
Photo from 2 years ago. I need to lose my tummy.
We receive, we give.
"Why do i have to suffer while you enjoy?!?" That was my response to his request/instruction to not drink at the pub, just so that I can...

Pineapple tarts 🍍
#throwback to CNY 2018 • Baking pineapple tarts in OUR traditional way. 🍍Same jokes never old, same company never gets tired, same...

A surprise.
Godma's birthday surprise a success! 🎉🎉 Lunch plans btw Godparents & I changed a million times, making our secret planning a tedious...

Sunday with my Sister.
Feels like forever since our last "sister session"... Good change from rushing to and fro hospitals, doctors and talking about illness...

Sunday afternoons.
Sundays be like. #theplainjane ☕ The Plain Jane Address: 211 Serangoon Avenue 4 #01-10, 550211 Phone: 6281 2477 #food

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