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"She knows what she's doing...
She has her reasons."

My last conv with my Brother.
I got woken by my alarm, with anxiety. I thought I was crying. I touched my cheeks & they were dry. The feeling was so real. Immediately...

Phonecall from Daddy.
Daddy phoned me to hurry home with bread cus he had super craving(?) Special cus he stopped calling for years since he had a stroke....
NIGHT #2. My 2nd night "officially" taking over Kor's room. This same bed we both laid on, side by side, on one of those nights after his...

A sister's love.
Please take a minute to read - a beautiful writing by my 妹妹 on my late 哥哥. It was raw & painful to read, let alone to write. But his big...

The group had developed to talking about babies & economics. There was a distinct separation in topic btw the guys & girls. ...

初一 Steamboat with Godparents. The conversations that night was as flavorful as the steamboat soup.

Mama's House this CNY
初二 at Mama's house. Impromptu reunion lunch in the kitchen for old time sake. I miss Mama and the times she cooked for us. A typical...

DD's big day.
Table 19 of a 19/1/19 Wedding is us - the groom's Polymates. Struggling to make sense out of #programming 🖥⌨ made fun with this batch of...

10 year challenge
#10yearchallenge At my age, going towards the look-the-same direction seemed to make more sense 🤭 ribbon, pink, bangs and all. I...

& now 2019.
Entering 2018, I joked that I'm undefeatable having experienced "生老病死". Yet, life continued challenging my limits; forcing me to cross...

A good o' Christmas
Christmas 🎄 A real tree. A real old rocking chair. A real happy... #christmas

Dream a lil dream
#nails #christmas

There was one thing my Brother wanted us to remember. That was to be kind. Kind was such a big word, I couldn't find the true meaning....

#TANYEOTRAVELS 2018 This year, we revisited Hong Kong. Funnily, we kinda ran out of neighboring countries to visit. & far away countries...

DAY➌ HONGKONG 🌹 ...says the jewelry shop, where this quote was found. Real caption: Spent whole afternoon fighting for a photo spot...

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