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My 2nd night "officially" taking over Kor's room.

This same bed we both laid on, side by side, on one of those nights after his dicharge from the hospital.

"What's going to happen to all these things?", he gave a thought out loud. Then said that can clear away and I can move in to this room.

Here I am, my butt probably on the same spot as that night. 3 years, 3 months ish later.


Each thing stores a memory of its owner.

One by one, I held these things in my hand. Subconsciously gave a pause, a thought. Felt it's story, before deciding to keep or throw.

I did not watch Marie Kondo. But that must be trying to feel the spark or joy. I had to try hard, it wasn't easy to feel someone's joy.

Rewind to 1 month ago, Daddy was hospitalized (will update story in another post). A series of events later, the family found ourselves looking for a domestic helper to care for Dad.

= need vacate my room for her.

= need to clear up Kor's room for me.

+ clearing the rest of the house to ease Daddy's movements

"If not you want the maid to sleep in Kor's room?"

Cheryl's words ring in my ears as constant reminder and motivation for me.

Daddy's hospitalized, & deterioration in health triggered a massive spring cleaning that we pushed back for decades.

Context: Our house is essentially a warehouse. Apart from the 5 humans and 2 cats, and our massive personal collection, and the lack of ability to let go of the past; we also store things from Kor's trading card company, Daddy's ktv and Kor's PC Games (top seller) ebay biz.

We are a hoarder family. And because we are so good at packing, every corner is fully made use of. The storeroom was filled to the brim! Like really 0% of space. Kor's room has 2 columns of collector's comics, games & other collectibles.

This spring cleaning, we went through all of Daddy's and Korkor's things. And cleared away things on their behalf, which would otherwise be painful to do personally.

In this process, I found less meaning in things too. And threw away a lot of things that no longer, as they say, spark joy.



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